
The Personal Finance Podcast

What Percentage of Net Worth Should be in Stocks, Old 401(k), Books for Buying Businesses and More! – Money Q&A

In this episode of the Personal Finance Podcast Money Q&A, we’re going to talk about what percentage of your net worth should be in stocks, what to do with an old 401k, books for buying businesses and so much more.

In this episode of the Personal Finance Podcast Money Q&A, we're going to talk about what percentage of your net worth should be in stocks, what to do with an old 401k, books for buying businesses and so much more.


Today we are going to answer these questions! 

Question 1: Should I pay off my 7.72% Car Loan?

Question 2: What to do with my Old 401(K)?

Question 3: What taxes are associated with international index funds?

Question 4: Books For Buying a Business

Question 5: Stock Lending and Investment Services

Question 6: Back Door Roth & % of Net worth in stocks?


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On this episode of money Q and a, what percentage of your net worth should be in stocks? What to do with an old 401k books for buying businesses and so much more.

Ooh, what's up everybody. And welcome to the personal finance podcast. I'm your host, Andrew founder of master money. co and today on the personal finance podcast, we have another episode of money Q and a, and today we're going to be answering a bunch of your questions. Now, if you have any questions, make sure you join the master money newsletter by going to master money.

co slash newsletter, and you can join the newsletter. And anytime we send our newsletter issues out, respond, and I'll see those questions. And you may get your question answer on the show. That's where we pulled all these questions today. And don't forget to follow us on Spotify, Apple podcasts, YouTube, or whatever your favorite podcast player is.

And don't forget to leave a five star rating and review on Apple podcast, Spotify, or your favorite podcast player. If you're getting value out of this show, can I thank you guys enough for leaving those five star ratings and reviews? And if there is ways that we can bring you even more value, please, please let me know our entire goal of this podcast is to bring you as much value as we possibly can.

Can, and again, don't forget to check us out on YouTube as well. If you just search my name, Andrew, Jen Cola, you will see the YouTube channel pop up. Now, today we're going to be diving into six of your questions. The first question is, should I pay off my car loan at a 7. 72 percent interest rate? The second question is what to do with my old 401k question.

Three is asking what are the taxes associated with international index funds, and do you have to pay international taxes? Question four is. Books and resources for buying businesses. Question five, we're going to be talking through stock lending and investment services, and then question six, backdoor Roths and what percentage of your net worth should be in stocks.

So this is an action packed episode, excited to dive in. So without further ado. Let's get into it. First question is, Hey, Andrew, first of all, I love the podcast and I've learned so much from you and I'm super grateful for all you do. I have a quick question on whether or not to pay off my car loan. I bought a used 2018 Honda civic with 55, 000 miles on it about 10 months ago for 17, 000.

I put 10, 000 in cash down and finance the rest with a Five year loan at 7. 62 percent with the interest rate being higher than 6 percent I would normally think to pay it off. However, with a stock market doing so well, does it make sense to delay paying off a loan until the stock market cools? The money I'd use to pay off the loan is currently invested into five different index ETFs with a liquid Robinhood account that has returned 11 percent over the past year.

I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks again. So first of all, thank you so much for the kind words. I'm so glad to have you, um, you know, taking action on a lot of this stuff. And I think this is a fantastic question. And a lot of people struggle with this exact concept, but let me tell you something. Okay.

I actually faced this same situation. So since we are having a third kid, uh, we decided to upgrade our vehicle this year. And when we upgraded our vehicle this year, Initially, I was going to pay for that vehicle in cash, but I saw the interest rates were pretty low. And so I went ahead and I financed the vehicle when I got done financing the vehicle.

I was having an issue at closing where this was during the time period when all of the computers went down. Uh, in all the car dealerships. So pretty much every car dealership had to do their financing by hand. And so they were having issues utilizing external financing and the financing that I was pre approved for.

So what I ended up having to do was either I had two options. I could pay cash or I could finance a car and then have a little bit of a higher interest rate and then go out and refinance that car later on. And so I have over 800 credit score, but because I had to get the financing through the dealership because this computer issue without having to kind of go back and do a bunch of different steps where I already spent hours at this dealership, I just did not want to go through the work, honestly, to go back and start all over again.

And so what I ended up doing because we traveled a couple hours for this car because it was a good deal. So what I ended up doing was taking their financing and it was around this interest rate was like seven and a half percent. And so what I did was then I went home and I looked at other interest rates that were out there and they were right around 6%.

5 percent even with my credit score locally. So what I ended up doing was I ended up just taking it and just wiping the rest out. And the reason I made this decision is because it was still over a 6 percent interest rate and interest rates are high. And this is on a depreciating asset. Now I myself just did this just and I tell this story just so you know that I literally just did this myself.

And the reason is you really don't know what the stock market is going to do in the future. Sure, it may have that 10, 11, 12 percent return that it has had over the year, Course the last year, and it very well is a high possibility that that could happen. But at the same time, I want to make sure that I get this debt wiped out, especially on something like a depreciating asset when the interest rate is that high, and it's not guaranteed that the stock market is going to return that.

And so because of that, I decided to make sure to get rid of That payment. Now, typically, if there were lower interest rates, I would actually take on the debt and leave the debt as is and just automatically pay the car every single month because of that lower interest rate. I'm pretty certain that my money invested would be much better off than actually paying off that note.

So I have no issues with low interest debt. But when the debt is this high for me specifically, if I was in your shoes, just like I actually just did, I would actually pay off the debt in that scenario. Now, Awesome job with buying a used Honda Civic. I think that's absolutely fantastic. And really, that's what most people should be doing is finding a car within their means like this and then going about and making sure you take care of it.

Looks like you did a pretty good job here. I would have a loan term a little less than five years. I'd probably go four years or less. Still, I like that you put 10, 000 down. I think you did a great job and found a great purchase here. So congratulations on the vehicle. If I were in your shoes, I would probably pay it off or just increase the amount that I'm paying on this debt over the course of the next couple of months.

And you could pay it off and, you know, 6 12 months, whatever else you want to do there. Really appreciate the question. Congratulations on your car, uh, and looking forward to see what you do here in the future. Thank you so much. The second question is, Hey, Andrew, I have a question about the company 401k and compound interest.

I find myself changing jobs about every three to five years. And I just remembered you saying not to interrupt compound interest. So should I take the company minimum match? And when I switch jobs, I transfer everything to my Roth IRA. Or should I transfer that to my next company's retirement plan? I have a Roth 401k, Roth IRA, taxable brokerage account, and a tiny crypto portfolio.

I appreciate your time and dedication in helping people like myself reach their financial goals. Keep up the good work. So this is a great question. And for a lot of people out there who find themselves moving to a new job, this is going to be something that you definitely want to consider. Now, number one is there is a service out there that is absolutely free.

I'm not associated with them, but it's completely free, which is why I recommend them a lot called capitalize and capitalize actually helps you in this scenario. Find the best option for what you're looking at. Yeah. So that's the first thing that you can look at what I like to do typically is if you have a traditional 401k and you're listening to this episode, then you can roll it into a rollover IRA.

Now, in this scenario, we have a Roth 401k. So if it's a Roth 401k, you can roll it into a Roth IRA. And I prefer typically to roll it into my own Roth IRA or IRA, depending on what kind of account that you have. In this scenario, it would be the Roth IRA because you I like to control my investment options.

And so what I like to do is I'll go to somewhere like Vanguard, and if you don't already have a Roth IRA, open a Roth IRA there or Fidelity, wherever you want. And then once you do that, then you can do a direct rollover to your Roth IRA. And this ensures the funds will go directly from your Roth 401k to your Roth IRA, maintaining that tax free growth benefit and avoid that mandatory withholding.

Now, because you're doing this from a Roth to a Roth, I would not consider this as interrupting compound interest. You're just moving it from one location to the other so that you can control the funds in your Roth IRA. So it's not messing anything up. If you start to do this, what you're probably going to have to do though, is you're going to have to either liquidate those shares.

If it doesn't allow you to do an in kind transfer, you're probably going to have to liquidate those shares and just move the cash over and then just reinvest it in whatever you had Invested in, in your Roth 401k. And so that's kind of the easiest option is just making sure, Hey, I get that money moved over and then invest those dollars immediately after.

And so that's going to be the easiest way from a Roth 401k to a Roth IRA, but just check that eligibility. And if you want to do it at somewhere like Vanguard or Fidelity, the easiest way is I like to just call them up and say, Hey, here's. What I'm looking to do. Can you help me through this process and how can I do that directly?

And if you want capitalized can also help you for free. So both of those are pretty great options, but every three to five years, if you're moving jobs, I would just roll it over into a Roth IRA so that you can control what you're investing in. That is the best way I think to do it. Uh, and that's what I would do personally.

All right. The next question is regarding taxes on international index funds. So hi, Andrew, I often listen to your podcast on Spotify and find it very valuable insight. Well, thank you so much for sharing your financial knowledge. Well, thank you so much for the compliment. I truly appreciate you listening and thank you so much for asking your question.

So I have a quick question I wanted to ask. I have considered buying an international index fund for my Fidelity portfolio. I am referring to the Fidelity Total International Index Fund. Great fund, but I am worried. That I will have to file multiple tax returns in countries other than the U. S. Since a lot of the holdings from this fund are from various countries.

Is that true? Will I need to file tax returns in multiple countries if I own F. T. I. H. X. So great question. And no, you will not have to file tax returns in multiple countries if you own F. T. I. H. X. And here's why. Because I want people to understand, you know, the reasoning behind this is so First of all, we got to look at things like dividends.

So the international index funds uh, do have holdings in multiple countries, but any foreign tax obligations such as withholding taxes on dividends are typically handled by the fund itself. So these taxes are paid before dividends are distributed to you. So you don't need to worry about any of that.

individual foreign filings. And then there's also the foreign tax credit. So if there is a foreign tax withheld, you'll see it reported on your 10 99 div form, which you usually will get from your brokerage at the end of every single year. You know, your brokerage will say, Hey, your tax forms are ready and they'll send you an email and then you just download that form.

And you'll usually claim a foreign tax credit on your us tax return, which can reduce your tax liability by the amount of foreign taxes paid. But by investing in a fund like Transcribed FTIHX. Fidelity handles all the international tax requirements for you. You'll just need to consider the foreign tax credit when filing your U.

S. taxes, which is always just on your form. So there's nothing you really have to worry about. You just make sure you get the forms from Fidelity, uh, give it to your CPA and or put it in your tax filing services. And they'll take care of it for you. But this is not something that you need to worry about whatsoever.

It's not like you have to file a separate return or anything else like that. It'll just go on your normal tax return, uh, and not a big deal at all. So this is just something fidelity will handle it. Uh, but you don't have to worry about that whatsoever. So hope that helps and congratulations on, uh, continuing to invest.

And thank you so much for listening to this show. So this next question is brought to you by delete me. And if you guys haven't heard about delete me before, you know, this is one of my favorite services that I have utilized over the course of the last couple of years, what delete me does is they go to data brokers who have your personal information and they get your personal information removed.

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If there's a scammer or some sort of con artist out there that gets a piece of your personal information and they Google whatever piece of information that they have and find the rest of your information, well, they can do a lot worse things to you. And so you're trying to get that information removed so that people can not take your personal information from the Internet and do things that you don't want them to do with it.

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Join delete me dot com slash PFP 20 and you can get 20 percent off of delete me. All right. The next question is good morning. I've been a listener for a few months now and I love the show. I wanted to ask if you have done or plan to do any podcast episodes on your first hand experience with buying a business or businesses.

Where did you start? What books did you read or podcasts that you listen to? And what lessons did you learn? And what would you do differently in the future? I've invested in real estate and looking to invest in other areas and purchasing business is intriguing. And I know That you have recently gone down that path, so I would love to hear your experience and or knowledge gained over that process.

So first of all, this is a great question. No, I have not talked a ton about my personal experience on this yet. It is something that is coming down the line for sure. I will definitely have an episode talking through the process because I think it's going to be really valuable and insightful. And I'm actually in the process now of negotiating a couple of other businesses.

So this is something that I'm actively with. Doing aggressively, to be honest, and it is something that I'm learning every single day. And so because I'm going through this process multiple times, I am going to probably have some sort of series of episodes talking through exactly what's happened. So some of the ones that I'm negotiating now, if they actually go through, I will start talking about the process of what I bought, why I bought it, reasoning behind it, all that kind of stuff, and how I actually thought through the process.

Uh, so that will be something coming down the pipeline. Now why I got into it or what got me interested in it? Um, there was a number of different things. And one of which is I started to read the data regarding how many baby boomers are going to be retiring over the course of the next 10 to 15 years.

And I saw they owned over 50 percent of small businesses in America, and most of them had no idea that you could sell your business to someone else. And so this is something where I thought, Hey, Okay. We could actually spread the word that you can actually sell your business. A B, we can start to get into this because I'm super interested in entrepreneurship.

And I always thought, even as, you know, when I was younger that I wanted to own multiple different businesses. And because of that, ever since I started doing this, it has been one of the most fun and exciting experiences for me. Now it may not be for everybody else because it takes a lot of work. It is a ton of work to own a business.

It's way more than real estate. I. Came from real estate investing and investing in real estate is a lot easier, but at the same time you're building something that could be extremely valuable. Now, one of the biggest things obviously is the due diligence process. That's where I would focus the majority of my time and understanding and almost building out your due diligence process before you even start to make some of these offers.

And then also what I would do is start to have conversations with brokers and folks in the area just to see what businesses and what niches you're actually interested in. Now, the books I read were really only one. It was by then build, which is by Walker Diable. Now, Walker came on this podcast. We did an interview with Walker.

It's all about buying businesses. If you're interested in that, uh, you just search the personal finance podcast and Walker Diable, and it'll come up. Another big influence for me was Cody Sanchez. And she came on the show talking through some of the businesses that she purchased as well, uh, about two years ago now.

And so with those two influences, after having some of those conversations that I had with Walker and Cody, both of those were really good light bulb moments for me where I was like, I want to do this and I want to at least try this. And so that's kind of how I got interested and started in that. Um, and I will kind of go through my experience and it's going to take a more than a full episode.

Um, so I will go through my experience with some of that in a future episode. But I definitely highly recommend by then build. I think that's the good starting point. If you've never thought through this process, it is a great, pretty much all encompassing book of at least how to think about this, how to get funding, how to think about your due diligence process.

And it gives you a bunch of good red flags to look out for things like that. So really enjoyed that book and definitely would recommend it. Now, Cody is now starting a new website called, what is it called? BizScout. com, which is also going to help you find and buy businesses. So that's going to be an interesting project that she's launching coming up here shortly.

And she also has a book coming out as Cody Sanchez does. So that might be one that'll be great, uh, to check out as well. So stay tuned. That episode will come out. I'll probably talk a lot more about it because I'm getting a lot of questions about it. And, um, thank you so much for listening to the show.

And I will keep you guys updated on all these businesses that we are looking at right now. The next one is a two part question. So the first one is, is stock lending a good idea for the average investor? And the second one is, I know you like index investing, but maybe an episode that covers stock picking services such as Motley Fool and are they worth the memberships?

Most of these services try to sell that. It takes the research out of your hands and that they do it for you. Figured that could be a great topic and would love to get your take on it. So sure, we can absolutely do something. on both these and do a full episode on that second one. But I'll talk through a little bit of my thoughts here now.

So stock lending is not something that I would probably ever do. Now, it can obviously offer extra income by lending shares to other investors, but it's not something that I'm typically interested in because your risk level when it comes to stock investing goes up higher. There are much better ways to spend your dollars than stock lending.

I just don't like it. Because of the potential risks, the administrative aspects that come with it. I don't love the dynamics of it. And so for me specifically, I think it increases your risk dramatically as a stock market investor by doing stock lending. Now, if they make it easier, or they make it in a way where it is, you know, secured and backed by something, that's a different story.

But right now, I don't think it is something that I'm really interested in whatsoever. Now, stock picking services like Motley Fool, Motley Fool is an interesting company because Motley Fool is one that I would listen to their podcasts every single day when I was in the corporate world. So in the corporate world, even when I was just starting out, I was in my entry level job.

Motley Fool had a bunch of different podcasts out there from market foolery to Motley Fool money, and they had some daily ones that I would always listen to. And I just loved listening to them because A, you get your business news from them. And B, they talk about different investing strategies that they had within individual stocks.

Now, because I'm not an individual stock investor, I don't subscribe to those services, but I do think they can be valuable because they can give you insights on what they are doing when it comes to specific stock services. Now, I do not believe that you can. Subscribe to these services and then not do your research.

It is very important to make sure you are doing your own research on stocks when you are a stock market investor. If you've listened to our episodes with Brian Faraldi, who I'm going to get back on the show here soon, and maybe I'll bring this up with him too. He has some association with Motley Fool, but when I have Brian Faraldi back on, we can start to have a little bit of a conversation about this because overall.

You still have to do your research, you have to understand the balance sheet, you have to understand management, you have to understand the economic modes, you have to understand all these different things before you really invest in a stock. And it's very important to understand quarterly reports and all those different things, reading the 10k.

So as an individual stock investor, it takes a lot of work. It takes a ton of work. Now, if you want to invest in some stocks for fun, as a small portion of your portfolio, say, for example, you love to drive your Tesla and you love Tesla and you You love the new robots that are coming out and all the things that they're doing.

And you want to invest a little in Tesla, more power to you. There's nothing wrong with that whatsoever. Or if you're in the healthcare space and you're like, man, Johnson and Johnson has just been kicking our butts forever. I'm going to invest in a little Johnson and Johnson. That's completely, I mean, there's nothing wrong with that whatsoever.

And many people have gotten very wealthy by investing in big blue chip stocks. But if you're going to go out there and try to find value stocks and gems, it's just not. a good idea to not do your own research and to just rely on somebody else's research. It's very important. The Motley Fool would tell you this too, but it's very important to do your own research and make sure that you are, you know, crossing your T's and dotting your I's before you listen to anybody else.

It's a dangerous game to play to invest in stocks without doing your own research. That's just my thoughts on this, but I do think Motley Fool is a great service. And in some of those services out there, Motley Fool is the only one I've had experience with, but I do think there's other great newsletters out there, but they're more informal to spark ideas for you to do more research.

That's the way I would look at them is it's sparking the idea so that you can do your own research and figure out if it's actually something that fits your risk tolerance, your asset allocation and your portfolio. That's the key when it comes to those services. I hope that helps. And, uh, let me know if you have any other questions.

All right, the next one is a two parter. So, Hey, Andrew, thank you so much for being a great resource. I discovered your podcast a little over a year ago and I have listened religiously. In fact, due in part to the great service you provided, I recently surpassed 1 million in net worth just a few months shy of my 40th birthday.

So first of all, we are clapping here in the studio. Congratulations. A 1 million net worth is Absolutely amazing. So congratulations to you. That is so incredibly cool. And I cannot commend you enough for doing that, especially, you know, right around your 40th birthday. That is absolutely amazing. And I'm writing you with a couple of questions.

What percentage of your total investments do you recommend putting into the stock market? About 50 percent of my net worth is invested across a mix of mutual funds, stocks, bonds, ETFs, etc. Does that balance sound correct? I have cash to invest still, and I'm wondering if dumping more in the market is a sound choice.

So I'm going to answer that first part of the question first, and we'll get to your second question. And it depends on your risk tolerance. I'm going to say this over and over again, and this is what a good person in finance will say is they always say it depends, but your risk tolerance is going to be the number one determining factor.

of what your asset allocation is going to be. Now, what do I mean by that? What I mean by that is a large portion of my portfolio does go towards stocks and it goes towards businesses. And I think that for me, if I was not interested in investing in businesses, I would probably have the majority of my asset allocation in things like real estate and stocks.

And if I was not interested in real estate, then a majority of it would be in stocks. Take someone like JL Collins, for example. So JL Collins wrote the book, The Simple Path to Wealth. He has all of his net worth and he was able to retire early in one index fund, which is VTSAX, which is the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund.

And if you're someone who doesn't want the headaches of real estate, or you don't want to worry about small business, having all your dollars into VTSAX into that index fund, because it owns a piece of every stock inside the stock market, I don't see anything wrong with that. You can absolutely do that and have a large portion of your net worth in just VTSAX, because.

It is in and of itself, very diversified. It is extremely diversified at the same time. If you're just not comfortable with having that much money in stocks, it's going to keep you up at night. It's going to stress you out. Uh, then diversifying your portfolio is a fantastic option. You can look into real estate and investing there.

You can look at investing in business or putting your dollars in bonds or something along those lines. So. There's absolutely nothing wrong with having, you know, a larger portion of your portfolio or your net worth in stocks. In fact, you know, if stocks were 99 percent of my net worth, I would not even, you know, lose an ounce of sleep of that.

Um, that is just one thing that for my personal risk tolerance would not bother me whatsoever. But if you know, being 50 50, if you want to kind of make sure that 50 percent of your portfolio is in stocks and another 50 percent is diversified somewhere else, that's great. If you want to go 75 25, that's also great.

It depends really on your risk tolerance and what's going to keep you up at night. So you have to ask yourself a couple of questions. Does it stress me out to be, you know, 75 percent stocks? At what level does it stress you out and make you uncomfortable? That's when you need to kind of dial it back and reassess your asset allocation and decide, Hey, do I need to take more of these dollars and put them somewhere else?

Do I need to put them in cash? So I'm more comfortable. What do I need to be doing in order to make myself more comfortable? And really that is a personal preference. So really, really important to kind of think through that process, but there is nothing wrong with it. Having it at 50 50. If you have cash on the sidelines that is not, you know, earmarked for your emergency fund or if it's not earmarked for anything else and you want to make sure you're growing that cash, I would definitely put that cash to work outside of making sure you have obviously the emergency fund and everything else.

But I would definitely put that cash to work if you can. The second question is my accountant is hesitant to perform a backdoor IRA for me, claiming that oversight is tightening up and they're frowned upon. Are there risks involved with the backdoor IRAs or is he just being lazy? All right. So I can tell you what the backdoor Roth IRA is the first thing I do every single year.

So there has been discussion in recent years about potential IRS scrutiny on backdoor Roth IRAs, particularly for high earners. However, backdoor Roth IRAs remain legal and widely used. There are so many people out there that I know that utilize the backdoor Roth IRA. Um, so it's not something I'm.

Personally worried about right now, uh, but the process can be tricky if you have other pre tax IRAs, which could obviously trigger the pro rata rule and complicate taxes and conversion. So my CPA, for example, encourages me to do the backdoor Roth IRA. Uh, and it is something I definitely try to go after.

The main risk though, is if tax legislation changes, it could limit or disallow the strategy for high earners in the future. So it's really just a future problem. It's not something that I would worry about now. It is something I love doing. If you listen to people who come on this podcast or most people in the finance space, they all are doing the backdoor Roth IRA because it helps you get dollars as a high earner into the Roth IRA.

So I absolutely love it. I am not concerned whatsoever, but obviously your CPA is the professional. So I would just kind of ask a few questions on to why they are stating that. But for me, it is not. A risk whatsoever in my CPA tells me to do it. They are actually encouraging me to do the backdoor Roth IRA.

So definitely just kind of get some more answers on that and try to get some clarification for sure. So thank you so much for these questions and congratulations on your progress. It is so amazing that you reached your million dollar net worth, uh, before the age of 40. That is absolutely Absolutely incredible.

Cannot thank you enough for listening to the show. I'm so glad the show is bringing you value and for everybody listening. Thank you so much for being here and investing in yourself because that's exactly what you're doing when you listen to this show as you are investing in yourself. I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your week.

Thank you so much and we will see you on the next episode.

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Are You Truly Diversified? How to Protect Your Wealth for the Future (Money Q&A)

In this episode of the Personal Finance Podcast Money Q&A, we're going to answer some questions about  are you truly diversified and how to protect ...
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Here’s What Our ListenersAre Saying

Customer Reviews 4.8• 477 Ratings

Never Too Late, And Here’s Why!

Andrew is positive, engaging, and straightforward. As someone who saw little light at the end of the tunnel, due to poor saving/spending habits, I believed I would be entirely too dependent on Social Security. Andrew shows how it’s possible to secure financial freedom, even if you’ve wasted the opportunities presented in your youth. Listened daily on drives too and from work and got through 93 episodes in theee weeks.

Bradley DH
Just What I Have Been Searching For!

This podcast has been exactly what I have been looking for. Not only does it solidify some of my current practices but helps me to understand the why and the ins-and-outs to what does work and what doesn’t work! Easy to listen to and Andrew does a great job and putting everything in context that is applicable to everyone.

M. Marlene
Simply Excellent!!!

Excellent content, practical, straight to the point, easy to follow and easy to apply! Andrew takes the confusion, complexity and fear as a result (often the biggest deterrent for most folks) out of investing and overall money matters in general, and provides valuable advice that anyone can follow and put into practice. Exactly what I’ve been looking for for quite some time and so happy that I came across this podcast. Thank you, Andrew!

Great Information In An Understandable Way

Absolutely a must listen for anyone at any age. A+ work.

Wealth Building Magician

Absolutely love listening to this guy! He has taken all of my thoughts and questions I’ve ever had about budgeting, investing, and wealth building and slapped onto this podcast! Can’t thank him enough for what I’ve learned!

Fun Financial Literacy Experience

I discovered your podcast a few weeks ago and wanted I am learning SO MUCH! Finance is an area of my life that I’ve always overlooked and this year I am determined to make progress! I am so grateful for this podcast and wish there was something like this 18 years ago! Andrew’s work is life changing and he makes the topic fun!


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