
The Personal Finance Podcast

The Complete Guide to Generational Wealth: Part 1 How to Build Generational Wealth

In this episode of the Personal Finance Podcast, we’re gonna give you the ultimate guide to generational wealth.

In this episode of the Personal Finance Podcast, we're gonna give you the ultimate guide to generational wealth.

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The Stairway to Wealth


In this episode of the Personal Finance Podcast, we're gonna give you the ultimate guide to generational wealth.

What's up everybody, and welcome SU Personal Finance podcast. I'm your host Andrew, founder of Master money.co. And today on the Personal Finance podcast, we are gonna be talking about the ultimate guide. To building generational wealth. If you guys have any questions, make sure to hit us up on Instagram or Twitter at Master Money Co.

And follow us on Spotify Apple Podcast or whatever podcast player you love listening to this podcast on. And if you wanna help out the show, leave a five star rating in review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Cannot. Thank you guys enough for leaving those five star ratings and reviews. They absolutely mean the world.

And if you're looking to learn a ton more about personal finance, building generational wealth and learning how to earn more money, then make sure you check out the Master Money YouTube channel as well. That's our YouTube channel. We are putting a ton of effort into that YouTube channel, so make sure you check that out.

Now today, I am so incredibly excited for this episode because this is the ultimate guide to building generational wealth. Obviously, this is one of the main core focus. Of this podcast, it's one of the main core focuses of master money, and it is one of the greatest things that you can do for your entire family.

Now this episode is absolutely jam-packed with information. We're gonna make this a two-part episode. In this first episode, we're gonna be talking about how you can actually build generational wealth, and it is so incredibly important to learn how you can build generational. In part two, we are going to be looking at how to pass down generational wealth, and we have a bunch of different steps on that one as well.

These episodes are gonna be long. These episodes are gonna get into the weeds because I want this to be the all-encompassing guide for you to learn how to build generational wealth. Because this is a pillar of what we do here at Mastermind and it's a pillar of the personal Finance podcast. We gotta make sure that we are thorough in this because this is a collaborative effort.

Most people fail when it comes to building generational wealth. And there's a bunch of reasons why we'll get into, but it is a collaborative effort. Either you have people in your family who are not on the same page as you, and I'm gonna show you how to get them on the same page, or you don't make enough money to actually pass down wealth for generations and.

Financial independence is another pillar of this podcast. If you wanna just be financially independent, get to the point where you have 1 million, $2 million and that's it, then that's gonna be something that you can live on for the rest of your life. You have that financial freedom. Amazing. That is absolutely amazing.

But this is for folks who are interested in going a little bit deeper and a little bit farther, and learning how to take that wealth and being able to utilize it either for the next generation so that their kids have maybe a somewhat easier life or they want to donate that money and. They want that money to last for multiple generations, and we're gonna talk about how you can do that in this episode.

This episode is jampacked. Without further ado, let's get into it. All right. So the first thing to understand when you're trying to build generational wealth is you need the baseline. And the baseline for our generational wealth is the Stairway to Wealth. If you haven't heard the Stairway to Wealth yet, I would make sure you check out that episode.

We have two of 'em. The Stairway to Wealth, the Stairway to Wealth, the original episode, and then we have a 2.0 that we came. About a year ago, and we have a 3.0 that we're working on as well. But in the 2.0 episode, what's happening in that episode, is this going to tell you the exact order that you should be allocating your dollars when you are trying to build wealth.

This is gonna give you the baseline and the starting point of what you need to do, so make sure you check out that episode if you haven't heard it yet. Now, as we go through these episodes, I am also going to. A PDF guide for you on this because there's so much information in here that it's gonna be hard unless you're taking notes throughout this episode to actually make sure that you go through all these steps.

So I'm gonna create a PDF guide for you that you can download along with this episode so that you can reference it as we go through this. Now, number one, the first key to building generational wealth is you need to invest in your kids and their financial. Why is this a key to building generational wealth and why is this step one?

Because when you are building generational wealth, and if you don't have kids, you can skip this step. But when you are building generational wealth, this is the crazy stat, and this is a very real thing. 60% of generational wealth transfers fail. Due to lack of communication, we're gonna talk about how to communicate that in part two.

When you transfer it, 70% of wealth is lost by the second generation, and 90% of wealth is lost by the third generation. What I wanna do is show you how to make that not happen. So the Rockefeller family, if you don't know who they are, John d Rockefeller was one of the richest men to ever live, and his family has preserved his wealth over a hundred years or.

And there's a number of reasons why, but one of the big ones is he was teaching his kids financial education and they were passing that down onto their kids and their grandkids and so on and so forth. So one of the things that he did was that he made sure that when he gave his kids an allowance every single week when they came back to collect their allowance, the next week they had a report, how they spent the money that they earned the previous week, if they did not report how they spent the money they earned the previous week.

They did not get their allowance then next week, but they were still required to continue doing that work. This is just one of the valuable lessons that he had handed down to his kids. So I'm gonna give you a bunch of different lessons that you can go through with your kids. Just some baseline stuff so you can start to get the juices flowing on some things that you may want to teach your kids.

The first thing is to start early. So one of my favorite party tricks is that right now my four-year-old can tell you what an asset and a liability is, and he's been able to do that. Since he was about two and a half or three when he was able to talk. The reason why you wanna start early is start to get some of these things inside of your kids' heads is because it's going to start to develop in their brain, their brain's gonna start to see things a little bit differently than most people would if they did not learn this stuff very early.

So you can talk about some of the basics. Maybe earning savings, spending money, investing money, why you spend money the way you do, and just start to talk about this as early as possible. Now, another thing I like to. Is, I like to talk about real life examples so you can incorporate financial lessons into everyday activities such as shopping, paying bills, if you go to the grocery store, why you're not buying certain things and why you are buying certain things.

You can go planning on a vacation. Maybe you walk your kids through the steps of planning a vacation to Disney World, for example, and you show them, Hey, here's how much this costs. Here's how much this costs, here's how much we're budgeting for this, and you can kind of talk through some of these real life practical example.

The next thing you can do is you can give allowance when they're of age. So how old do they have to be to start getting an allowance? Once they can start to communicate with you, you can really start to give an allowance. If that's something you're interested in, why give an allowance instead of not getting an allowance?

You can do whatever you want. Obviously parents are gonna do whatever they want in terms of how they wanna raise their kids, so don't take my advice with a grain of salt, but giving an allowance for me. They're gonna intake money. And what they're gonna learn with that money is how to handle money at a very early age.

And we're gonna talk through how to handle that money and it's gonna give them a bunch of different lessons they can learn. In addition, building up that work ethic is gonna be another big part that is going to come into play. See, my kids naturally want to help. So for me, I'm not worried about the work ethic side.

My four-year-old wants to help with every single chore that I do. Sit there next to me for an entire hour or two, helping me with that chore. He's got the work ethic already built into him. He was born that way. So my next thing is learning how to develop that and turn that into something that he could really start to build up businesses or other things along those lines.

Open a savings account with your kids. So once your kids are of age, you can open up a savings account with them so they understand the place where they can start to save money over time. This is going to help them learn how they can actually do this stuff and learn how a bank account opening works.

Learn how a bank account works. The great place to do this is Green Light will link 'em down below, but Green Light is a bank for kids and you can also pay their allowance in there. You can get 'em a debit card, that kind of stuff as. Teach budgeting. So you heard my example of John Rockefeller and him teaching his family how to actually budget, and you can do something along the same ways now.

It doesn't have to be some drastic budget that your kids go through, like toy category and category for saving and spending, all this kind of stuff. It could just be broad. Saving, spending, giving. You can have those three categories and have those open to see, Hey, here's how much you've earned in allowance or selling your toys, or whatever else you wanna do, and here's how much you can save.

Here's how much you can earn. Here's how much you can give. If giving is. Part of your lessons that you wanna teach inside of your family. So this is a really cool way to have them set it up. You can set up a paper budget if you want to, and have them report every single week where their money is going.

Instilling these habits now are imperative. This may sound like a waste of time to you, and while you're doing it, it may feel like a waste of time. But if you teach them how to handle money at the youngest age possible, imagine what they can do once they get older and they start to have to handle your generational.

And if you want this wealth to last and be preserved for a long period of time, this is very, very important. Now, introducing investing. I've been investing for my kids since the day they were born, and we haven't talked through investing a ton yet. Outside of assets and liabilities, tangible assets like real estate that they can actually see.

What we're gonna plan on doing is we're gonna start with my four-year-old. Now. We're planning on starting to do this in the next couple of weeks here is we're gonna start buying single stocks that he's interested in. So we're gonna look at Disney, see, hey, you can buy a piece of the movies that you love.

Hey, you can buy a piece of this company where you love to go to Disney World every single year, where you can buy a piece of this company. This is a massively motivational and cool thing that you can do. Mattel will be another one. You can look at Mattel, the toy company and say, Hey, all these toys here are made by Mattel.

And you can own a piece of this company who makes these toys and talk through this and have this conversation with him. Obviously owning these individual stocks are not the best option for most people, but what it is is a teaching lesson. So you're spending a hundred dollars on an individual stock to teach them about this specific stock.

And obviously Disney's a great stock. Mattel is a great stock. They're gonna be around forever. So after you introduce investing, that's the first way to do it. As they get older, you wanna teach 'em about diversified portfolios, especially when they're teenagers, and how to have a diversified portfolio, how to invest in index funds and ETFs, and how this can create freedom for their life because financial independence and investing need to go hand in hand.

So you have to make sure that you are doing that. If you hadn't haven't heard our episode with Dan Sheiks. He has a book called First to a Million that talks exactly how to do this, how to teach your teenagers or college age or very young adults on how to teach them about financial independence. And it's a book that they should definitely read.

I highly, highly encourage you reading that book. Encourage entrepreneurship. So this is a really cool one. I've seen 10, 11, 12 year olds build out a million dollar business. So encouraging entrepreneurship, you can do this in a number of different ways. Lemonade stands are obviously the classic ones. I prefer you to teach them how to do things that are really useful in their everyday life.

They're not gonna start a lemonade stand as they get older. But what you could do is you could start something like a YouTube channel, for example. Say you start a YouTube channel, you start working through and talking through how this can become a. Or you start something like a website that they're interested in.

Maybe they're reviewing toys or crafts or whatever else they want to do. Another business they could start is as they progress into maybe some of the later years, is we have a bunch of different side hustles that we talked about on the Mastermind YouTube channel. There's a bunch of different ones that you can look at there.

One of which we just talked about. We just had a video about This is. A pet waste removal business where I've seen people grow this into a million dollar business by going into people's backyards and removing their pet waste for them, because they don't wanna do this. They'll pay you $60 a month to remove their pet waste every single month, which to me, I would not do that, but most people would.

You can go to HOA communities, you can do commercial deals. There's a bunch of things that you could do, but you and your kids can actually build out a business like that together. So there's so many different ways to approach entrepreneurship. Look at their interests, look at what they would actually like.

And then see if you can actually lean into that a little bit. Now, discussing credit and debt. So as they get older, credit cards and debt are a massive conversation that you want to have. You wanna talk about the damages that debt can do to your wealth building and building. And if you're a generational wealth builder, if you're a true wealth builder, you wanna build out this generational wealth.

You have to talk about credit and debt. This is something you definitely wanna be doing with your kids as you progress through this convers. Another way that you can teach them about this is play educational games. So there's a game by Robert Kiyosaki called Cash Flow. There's Monopoly. Both those games are very similar in nature.

Cash Flow is very realistic in nature in terms of how he actually set that game up. It's an expensive game. I think it's like 75 bucks to buy it. But it's a game where you go through the board and you buy rental properties, you collect cash flow, and you start to scale up into larger properties. It's very cool once you learn how to play the game.

And the last one is, I want to mention this because it is the most important one of. And is to be the role model for them. Be the financial role model for them. Follow through with what you're saying. Have your budget in place. Invest your dollar. Show them how you're investing your dollars every single month.

How you set up some of these automatic systems. Talk through your budget with them. Money, conversations have to happen. If they do not happen, whoever said that talking about money is taboo, is the person who is never going to be wealthy. You wanna know why? Because these conversations have to happen. If you wanna pass these lessons down to your kids, then you have to have money conversations with your family, your heirs, your spouse, everybody involved.

Do not suppress money and money conversations inside of your family. So that's number one, is investing in your kids and their education. I gave you a bunch of ideas on how to get the ideas flowing. Now let's get to number two. So number two, when you wanna build generational wealth is investing in the stock market.

Now, when you invest in the stock market, there's a million different ways to invest. And there is so much noise out there when it comes to investing in the stock market. And really, if you wanna build true generational wealth, you want to block out as much of that noise as you possibly can, put together an investment plan and stick to that investment plan forever.

Now, some of the keys that I want you to think about here is having a diversified portfolio. So a diversified portfolio is when you're gonna have a bunch of different. Stocks and bonds inside of your portfolio, and you can do this a number of ways. My favorite way is index funds and ETFs. Now, if you haven't heard our episodes talking about index funds and ETFs, we have a bunch of them.

But when we talk about these, this is a basket of stocks that you buy all in one trade and they have very low. Cost. It's very important to keep your costs low, especially when you're investing for the long term and generational wealth because you wanna build out a large lump sum that you can hand down to your heirs.

In addition, that's gonna fund your lifestyle as well. The last thing you want to do is give a large chunk of that large lump sum to an advisor or to a mutual fund manager. So keeping your fees low with something like index funds and ETFs that are extremely well diversified and have a seven to 10% rate of return historically is gonna be an amazing option for you because you can set it and forget it, and then you can work on the other things that matter much more that we're gonna be talking about here in this episode.

So Index funds and ETFs are my number one choice. They always will be because I wanna set it and forget it. I wanna have that system in place. I want it to be automated. I don't wanna have to think about it anymore. And instead I wanna focus on the things that are gonna make me more money. That's what Index funds and ETFs help you do.

They help you live. So that you don't have to think about investing all day long. Another way to invest is dividend stocks. Now, dividend stocks I absolutely love. Now you're tax pretty heavily on most dividend stocks when it comes to their dividends coming into play. So putting 'em in something like a Roth IRA or any type of tax advantage account is going to be a great option for you.

But I do love dividend stocks. Specifically. My favorites are dividend aristocrats, meaning dividend stocks that have increased their dividends for 25 years or. These are stocks that are standard companies that have been around for a very long period of time, and they're companies that really have stood the test of time when it comes to raising their dividends.

They've been through. The 2007, 2008 crisis, all the way up to Covid 19, all these different crisises, and they can continue to increase their dividend over that timeframe. Now, key thing you want to do here is when you're investing in stocks, unless you have a large lump sum to invest, it's better to invest a large lump sum historically.

But if you are earning money every single month, and dollar cost averaging is a great way to do that or just deploying. Extra capital into the stock market. Now, there's other strategies that you can look at, like growth stocks is one that a lot of people like value investing, which is how Warren Buffet made a ton of his money.

Those are some other options that you can take into consideration. But for us here, we like passive investing in index funds, ETFs, or dividend stocks. Producing some of that income as well. My main prerogative though, is index funds and ETFs. Now you have to have a long-term perspective when you invest in stocks.

This is not a get rich quick thing. Investing in stocks is a long-term approach. I'm talking 20, 30, 40 years. In fact, the s and p 500, if you invest in the s and p 500 over the course of 20 years, his. Historically, you have never lost money if you keep your money inside of the s and p 500 for 20 years or longer.

Brian Feral taught us that in his episode when he came on this podcast. We'll link it up down the show notes below if you wanna check that out, but that is an amazing stat that you need to keep in the back of your mind as you invest your dollars. Warren Buffet says, if you're not willing to own a stock for at least 10 years, you shouldn't even consider owning that stock for 10 minutes.

This is a long-term. You wanna hold onto stocks for as long as you possibly can, and then you wanna regularly have portfolio reviews, meaning when you review your portfolio, you want to come in and review and rebalance your portfolio. Look at how your allocations are working, look at where your dividends are going, make sure your dividends are being reinvested, and just do those reviews once or twice a year and make sure that you have that in play.

Now financial education is very important when it comes to stock investing because financial education is going to allow you to reduce the emotions that come into play when the stock market goes down. So making sure you're reading and listening to a bunch of different personal finance podcasts or finance books are gonna be one of the best things that you can do.

So making sure that you're continuing your financial education, follow some of them on social media, is going to be one of the best. That you can stay levelheaded when it comes to stock investing. So that stock investing there, that is port two, that is the easiest way to get your money to start working for you.

And the reason why we invest in stocks is so that our money can grow over a long period of time, and eventually we'll have enough money invested or we can draw down on that portfolio. This is the most passive way you can invest your money where you don't have to think about it anymore is investing in stocks, because all you have to do is set it up on an automated system.

We talk about this in our Course Index Fund Pro on how to set this up on an. System, but you set it up automatically, it goes and you invest your dollars automatically and then you don't have to think about it any more. Now let's get into the third step. Alright, so the third step when it comes to generational wealth is considerate investing into real estate.

Now this is not a required step, but there are a large portion of millionaires and some come out with a stat that says 90% of million. Or invested in real estate. Now, that can be true. A lot of them probably own their own home though, which kind of factors into skewing that data a little bit. But a large portion of millionaires become millionaires through real estate.

Why? Because there is a bunch of different things that come into play when you invest in real estate. You get tax benefits when you invest in real estate, meaning that you have things available to you like a 10 31 exchange for example, which we'll talk about here in a second. You have things available to you like depreciating that.

You have write-offs that you can put into play, so you get a bunch of tax benefits. You get appreciation when you invest in real estate, meaning that when that property goes up in value, you can take advantage of that appreciation by selling the property or it just increases your net worth over time.

Now does, does real estate. Always go up in value. No, it doesn't. Sometimes it goes down in value, so you can't expect real estate to just go up and up and up and up forever. But what it can do is when it appreciates over the long term, if you're invested 30, 40, 50 years, we know that historically real estate has gone in one direction over that long term timeframe.

Then the third thing is that you can collect cash flow when it comes to investing in real estate. So if you invest in something like a rental property, you can collect cash flow and utilize that cash flow to reinvest into more properties, into your businesses, into the stock market. Whatever you wanna do with that cash flow, taking that capital allocation and putting it towards income producing activities is going to really create a snowball here where you can build a massive amount of generational wealth.

There's a bunch of different ways that you can invest in real estate. We have two episodes talking about this. One is some of the passive ways to invest in real estate, and one is some of the active ways to invest in real estate. And we talk about 20 different ways to invest in real estate in that episode.

So you could definitely check that out, but we're gonna talk about some of them here as well. So one of which is when it comes to rental properties as buy and hold. Meaning that you're buying rental properties and you're holding them for the long term, and then planning on living off the cash flow. So how many properties do you need to actually be able to retire?

We have to figure out how much you wanna live on in retirement every single month. And then how many properties do you have to buy based on the cash flow in that area? So say for example, you can get $200 per door and you need $5,000 per month to live off $200 per door, well, you're gonna need about 20.

Doors to be able to retire. So that can be anything from duplexes, triplexes, single family homes, all of those different things. And you're gonna hold those for a long period of time. You're gonna collect the benefits of appreciation and the cash flow over that timeframe. Now, rent A Properties are my go-to.

I love single family houses, but they're also small multi-families. You can go four plexus, five plexes obviously go up all the way up to apartment buildings. There's so many different ways to invest in real. When it comes to that side of it. Now there's also flipping properties. Flipping properties does not create generational wealth.

It creates large sums of cash if you do it profitably. So when you get this influx of cash, what are you gonna do with it? Say you flip a property, you get this cash, what are you gonna do with it? Are you gonna put it towards another property? Or you gonna flip two properties the next time and snowball it that way?

You gotta figure out what you're gonna do with this cash because you don't get to take advantage of cash flow, appreciation, those types of. There's also land investing. We had Pete Reese on this podcast. He talked about how to invest in land and some of the ways that he invests in land. That's another way that you can invest real estate partnerships.

You can do syndications, which is you are investing your dollars typically as a accredited investor and you're investing into a syndication. Someone like Brandon Turner has a syndication where he invests in apartment complexes, or Nick Huber has a syndication where he invests inside or where he invests in storage units.

So there's a bunch of different syndications out there, but you have to have a certain net worth to invest in. A lot of those private syndication. Then there's also lean investing. There's a bunch of different ways to do this, but real estate is a proven way to build generational wealth. So if you are interested in real estate, we have a bunch of episodes talking about real estate.

So make sure you check some of those out as you go through this process. All right, so the next one is, Building out a business. And here's the reality of generational wealth. You can build a massive amount of wealth by having a day job. You absolutely can't. Don't let anybody else tell you you can't build wealth by having a nine to five day job.

It is absolutely possible, but if you want multi-generational wealth, unless you teach your children exactly how to handle your wealth, and as you pass that wealth on, they continue to grow your wealth. If you truly. Multi-generational wealth, then having a business is the surefire way to get there. So we have a chart that I'm looking at here, and if you're on YouTube, we will link it up on YouTube so you can see this chart.

And I'll link up the chart down below in the show notes as well. But we have a chart of what assets make up wealth. And this chart was done by visual capitalist.com. And you can see the difference here. So when you're looking at someone who has a net worth of 10,000 to a hundred thousand, The majority of their assets is in their primary residence from a hundred thousand dollars to a million dollars.

The majority of their assets is still inside of their primary residence. Now, one thing to note here is if you're looking to build generational wealth and you're new to this whole world, your primary residence is not that great of an asset, so you can buy your own personal residence, it's not that great of an asset.

In fact, historically it's appreciated three to 4% across averages across the US location dependence matters when it comes to real estate, but three to 4%. Average across the us. Not a great investment. You just gotta learn how to run the numbers. We talk about that in our buy verse rent episode, which we will link up down below.

Now at the 1 million net worth level, what you're gonna see is the primary residence is a, still a large portion, and another large portion is going to be in retirement and pensions, IRAs, those types of things. But then once you get to the 10 million level, this is where it starts to shift a. Because at the $10 million level, the primary allocation of net worth for most individuals is their business.

And then once you get to a hundred million dollars, it's mostly their business and billionaires, it's the majority is their business. The interesting thing here is that the richer people get, the less percentage. Of their net worth is in depreciating assets, things like vehicles, for example, and it has it in this chart where vehicles actually decrease as net worth increases, which is a very interesting stat as well.

But the key I want you to understand here is that over time, The more net worth that you have, it is a higher likelihood that your business is going to be the primary piece of your net worth, especially 10 million or more. Now, if you're under 10 million, you can get to under 10 million. You can get to 5, 6, 7, $8 million investing in your 401k ira, and that is an amazing life because you can draw it on a ton of money.

In those areas. But if you wanna get to above 10 million, maybe you're extremely ambitious, then a business is going to be the best way to do that. Now, do you have to have a business to build wealth? Like I said, absolutely not, but it is a great surefire way to build multi-generational wealth. So looking at, this is one cool way to actually do this now, do you have to start a business and build it out all the way up and do all these different things?

Absolutely not. There's a book called Buy Then Build, and it is one of the most inspirational books that I've read in the last five years. And inside of Buy then. It talks about how you can actually buy an existing business and inside of that business, you can buy a million dollar business for a hundred thousand dollars if you use something like an SBA loan, which means that they will loan you 90% as long as you put 10% down.

So this is a really, really cool book. If you haven't read it, make sure you check it out. We also talk about that book in our book club in the Master Money Newsletter. So if you're not subscribed to the Master Money Newsletter, we talk about my favorite books every single week in the Master Money Newsletter.

So make. You're checking that out. Number five. So businesses or a major factor? It is. One of the things that I am most focused on is building out businesses, buying businesses, those types of things. Because when you buy businesses, there is no piece of real estate that you can take and you can buy it for say, $500,000.

And then it would generate another $500,000 for you. But you can buy a business that generates $500,000 and you can make that business generate 3 million for you. So this is something where the upside for businesses is much higher, but obviously the downside's also higher too. So you have to know what you're doing.

And business is not for everyone. So make sure you understand that going into it. Read by then Build though it is an amazing book, and I'm working on getting the author on this podcast too, so we can talk through some. Now creating multiple streams of income is the next thing because most millionaires do not have one stream of income.

They do not have two stream of incomes. How many streams of incomes do you think that an average millionaire actually has? The average millionaire has seven streams of income. Now, if you only have one job in your household and you are relying on one single job, maybe you work and your spouse doesn't work, that you have one single income, that is it.

That is one of the most dangerous things that you can do. Warren Buffet also talks about this. One of the most dangerous things you can do is only have one stream of income. You need to have multiple streams of income to diversify your income sources. In order to have a wealth protection plan, you'd be able to protect your wealth and earn income in a bunch of various ways.

So this is how you diversify those income. Because you don't wanna put all of your eggs in that one basket. So here are some income stream examples that you can kind of think through and see which ones may work for you. Having a business is another great one, so maybe you have your day job In a business, that's a great way to have diversified income streams.

If you have two incomes in the household and adding some side income streams would be amazing to diversify your income streams. But one of which is dividend income. We talked about that earlier. Income from your stocks. There's rental income. We talked about that. Real estate investing is gonna allow you to have another diversified income stream.

Earn income, meaning the earn income that you earn from your day jobs and your side hustles. So think through maybe there's some side hustles you wanna start royalties from, books if you have inventions, those types of things. Then you have business income, income from any business and profits. You have interest income, so income from savings accounts, bonds, those types of things, and then capital gains, capital gains from selling highly appreciated assets.

These are just some of the things that I want you to think through when it comes to having multiple streams of income. There's a bunch of other options as well. These are some of the main ones that a lot of people underst. And why we're talking about it here. So make sure you think through. If you only have one stream of income, make sure you try to diversify those streams of income to protect your wealth.

Now, let's go into number six, which is tax havens. All right, so the next thing is going to be create tax havens. So we are gonna talk about tax optimization a little bit. I'm gonna give you a bunch of examples of tax optimized strategies. But what I want you to do is really, if you want to look at the, the best tax optimized strategies for your situation is you need to have a CPA on your team.

Or you need to have a tax strategist on your team, which can also be the same person. So my C P A is also my tax strategist, and the firm that I work with is absolutely amazing, but they don't take on a lot of new clients right now, so I can't recommend them to you guys. But when it comes to. Finding that good tax strategist, one of the best ways to do this is to ask around to people who you know, who may be either wealthy and say, do you know any CPAs or tax strategists that I could talk to or talk to family members who may actually know what they're doing?

Because you wanna have tax havens available to you. And I'm gonna give you a bunch of examples here. Some of 'em, you know, we've talked about in this podcast before where you can actually use those tax havens to build out wealth. The first one is trust. Now, trust are typically for people who have a million dollar net worth or more.

Uh, you can have a trust when you have less than a million dollar net worth, but it doesn't make as much sense as it would when you have more money. So there are certain kinds of trust that can save you on taxes. So, for example, a charitable trust can provide income to a charity while allowing you to take a tax deduction for the donation.

There's also other types of trust, like an irrevocable trust and an irrevocable trust can actually be used to transfer assets to heirs while avoiding or reducing. Estate taxes. So those are some different ways that if you really have a high net worth, you're looking to pass down in this generational wealth.

And we're gonna talk a ton about passing down generational wealth in episode two of this two-part series. So make sure you check that one out. We'll talk a lot more about trust in that episode. 5 29 plans. So 5 29 plans are a great way to save on education expenses. In fact, 5 29 plans is a new law coming out that I'm really excited about in 2020.

Where if your kids don't go to college, you can roll $35,000 from your 5 29 plan into an ira. This is gonna be a very cool system that you can use if your kids don't go to college and you can figure out what to do with the rest of money if it's grown to more than that. But contributions to a 5 29 plan are not tax deductible.

So when you contribute to a 5 29 plane's, not tax deductible, but the earnings can grow tax free and withdrawals can be used for qualified education expenses, and those are also tax free. So, The key to 5 29 plans is that you wanna find a flexible 5 29 plan. I do not like the state plans because they're not flexible.

So for example, where I live here in Florida, we have something called Florida Prepaid. I absolutely hate Florida prepaid because Florida prepaid has no flexibility to it. Whereas you can get a flexible 5 29 plan where you can invest to the money and you can do it somewhere like Fidelity, Vanguard, great places to open something like a 5 29.

401ks. So Roth 401ks or traditional 401ks, your employer sponsor plans are great places to put your dollars so that you can reduce the amount of taxes that you're paying every single year. So creating those tax savings. Now, if you wanna contribute to a Roth IRA and you make too much money, uh, my high earners here, I'm talking to you, you can do what is called a backdoor Roth ira.

Still get your money into an ira. I get way too many people who still think they can't get money into a Roth IRA because they make too much money. You absolutely can through the backdoor Roth ira, and the quick way that it works is you contribute money to an ira, then you convert that money to the Roth ira, and all you have to do is just fill out a simple one page form.

It takes five minutes to do it, and you convert that. Into your Roth ira. Now you can max out your Roth IRA every year. So if you make too much money, just do the backdoor. Roth ira, it's completely legal. It's not some weird thing that the IRS doesn't know about. The IRS knows that this exists. Millions and millions of people do it every single year.

I do it every single year. So doing the backdoor, Roth IRA is your best option. Now, if you invest in real estate, there's something called a 10 31 exchange. Love the 10 31 exchange. One of the best tax advantages you. At your disposal when it comes to investing in real estate. So the way that the 10 31 exchange works is that you can defer your taxes on the sale of a property if you go and buy a like kind property within a certain timeframe.

So say for example, you sell. An apartment complex and it's an eight unit apartment complex, but you wanna buy a nicer one in a different area that is worth a little more. So you can take the profits from that eight unit apartment complex as long as you identify what the next property you're gonna buy within 45 days and you close on it with 180 days, you can buy that property and def.

Fur those taxes and roll 'em into the next property. Why is this amazing? Because as long as you continue to hold those properties and your heirs hold those properties, you're not paying taxes on that money. It's just deferred into the next property. And if that property is held for a very long period of time through generations, those taxes are never paid on the earnings of those properties.

But you can also do this over and over and over again. I know family, friends who have done this over and over and over again, where they started with some small multi-family properties. Then they upgraded to a mobile home park, defer the taxes in the mobile home park. Then they upgraded to a hotel on the beach and defer the taxes to a hotel on the beach.

Then they upgrade it to an even larger property. So it's just over and over again. You can do this and you can defer those taxes in an amazing way to actually save money on taxes. Another great way is municipal bonds. So interest earned on municipal bonds is actually tax exempt at the federal. Now, state level, it may be where you get taxed on some of it, but with municipal bonds at the federal level, you are tax exempt.

So if you have a lot of federal taxes, make sure you look into those as well. Roth Conversion. So this is another way of converting a traditional IRA or 401k to your Roth ira, just like the backdoor Roth ira. But you can do it in larger quantities, especially if you're looking to do something like the Roth conversion ladder, which we have an entire episode on that, so making sure you check that out.

Tax loss harvesting. So we haven't done an episode on tax loss harvesting yet. It's on the list. Don't. The way that tax loss harvesting works is that when the market is down, you're gonna sell some of your securities to offset some of the gains that you've had within that investment. So say for example, the market takes a dip and you have an index fund, for example.

So when the market takes that dip, you're gonna sell a portion of that index fund to offset the gains that the rest of the index fund has made. And later on you can repurchase it, but you're reducing the amount of ordinary income every year. We'll go deep dive into that because we don't have time to dive into it as much here as I want to.

And then another one is qualified dividends. So qualified dividends are taxed at much lower rates than ordinary income. So qualified dividends are ones that you can really look into and try to earn via your qualified dividends to create some one of these tax savings, especially when you get to retirement age so that you can save money on taxes.

Then charitable contributions. There is a bunch of different ways that you can contribute with charitable contributions and you can save money on taxes. They are a complete tax write off. I give away 10% of my income every year. I don't do it for a tax write off, but it is an added benefit that allows me to do that.

And so charitable contributions are a way to lower your taxable income. And there's also ways with things like donor advised funds that we will have episodes on this, on how you can actually do this and give like a. So I'm gonna have some episodes on that as well, but making sure that you have a tax strategist for your personal situation.

There's a bunch of other ones that we're obviously not talking about here. There's so many different ways to save money with taxes. I'm just giving you a bunch of examples here on what you should consider as you start to go through this. Now. Also, another consideration is a tax strategist is gonna help you to see should you take a standard deduction every single.

Or should you actually do tax write-offs and actually do go through that whole process? Or can you just take the standard deduction and be done with it? So that's another option when you have that tax strategist available to you, or if you have a cpa, the CPA will also be able to help you with this. Now let's jump into number seven, which is building out a Bulletproof Wealth protection plan.

All right, so what we've been talking about thus far is learning how to play offense with your money, meaning learning how to earn more money. We wanna create all these income streams. We wanna build out a business, we wanna invest in real estate, we wanna buy stocks. We wanna teach our kids how they can actually handle money.

Then we started to talk about playing defense, having tax strategies in place, but the biggest way to play defense, Over all of these other things is to build a bulletproof wealth protection plan. So we have an episode talking about how to build a Bulletproof Wealth Protection Plan. But I'm gonna go through some of these on this episode as well because it is so important, and I cannot say this enough, on how important it is for you to put together this wealth protection plan.

And you wanna have layers inside of your wealth protection plan meeting. There's a bunch of different things where if things fail, you still have backups to your backups, to your backups. Why you don't want to interrupt compound interest. Early, and you don't want to interrupt your wealth building unnecessarily for no reason.

You could have these all set up and automated early on in your wealth building journey. And once this is all set up, you don't have to worry hardly at all because all of these are set up now. Sure, could all of these fail in catastrophic times? Absolutely. But the likelihood of all of these failing at the same time is very, very low.

So, Setup is very, very important. Now, this is an 11 step system, so I'm gonna go through these and give you the prime information on this. And if you want to hear the really big, deep dive into it, I think the episode is about 30 minutes long or so. Then you can check out the Bulletproof Wealth Protection Plan, uh, episode.

We'll link it up into down the show notes below. So, Number one is to protect your day job, meaning you need to protect income source number one, if your day job is your business, or if your day job is going to work, which most people listening to this podcast are looking to develop their careers. They're looking to accelerate in their careers or young professionals, but there's also a lot of business owners who listen to this podcast as well.

So your number one income source needs to be protected. So if you go into your day job at nine to five, that means you need to be punctual, protecting your job by being on time, avoiding gossip inside of. Place area that can absolutely destroy your career, acquiring new skills and certifications so that you can earn more and show how valuable you are at your job, taking on new projects so you can show your value and observe and learn from people in other higher positions and saying, Hey, how did they get to those positions?

What did they do? What can I do to get to those higher positions so that I can. Earn more income to put towards building generational wealth. Same thing with your business. You gotta have protection plans within your business if that's your number one income source, meaning that you need to have cash buffers within your business.

You need to have all these things in place so that you can protect your business, and that business can thrive for a very long period of time, especially in a recessionary period. If you don't have a recession proof business, you to make sure that you at least have the cash on hand to make it recession Proof number.

Create a cash buffer, so your cash buffer is not your emergency fund. We talk about this in the stairway to wealth also, but your cash buffer is something that is going to be somewhere around $3,000. What this is going to do is protect you as you're building wealth before you have your emergency fund.

If you don't have an emergency fund yet, the cash buffer protects you while you're starting to build out some of the things that you need to do in order to. Reason why we have it around $3,000 is we want it to be about the same as what your highest deductible will be on your insurances. So you can go across all your insurances, you can look at your healthcare, you can look at your auto insurance, your home insurance, any other insurance you have in which everyone has the highest deductible.

Then making sure that you at least. Save that much within your cash buffer is imperative. Why? Because if something happens in life, at least you have all your insurances are gonna cover the major catastrophes and you have that cash buffer to pay the deductible if something happens in life, usually your health insurance probably has the highest deductible of all those things, but double check.

Maybe it's your home, maybe it's something else. Number three, it's gonna be e established an emergency fund. So the emergency fund is the pure classic wealth protection plan. It is the thing that is going to protect you against life. If something is gonna happen to you in life, it's when something is going to happen to you in life.

Emergency funds will help protect you when that time comes. Now, what do you wanna have in your emergency fund? At least three to six months expenses for any type of financial difficulties. Now, I am very pro having six months expenses and not three. The reason why we say three to six months is it because if you can get a job really, really quickly, You can probably get by with three, but I'd prefer you to have six.

Let's just get real here. Having more protection, having more cash on hand allows you to have more protection and it will protect you with financial difficulties. If you have kids six months, don't second guess it here. Have six months available to you so that you can build that wealth here. Now, if you own a business, Then I want you to have a longer runway in your emergency fund.

So maybe one year there. And as you build out this emergency fund between six months and one year, you also need to take into consideration if you do have kids. So for me, each kid, I also have an additional $10,000 in my emergency fund. That's just a random rule that I put together. The reason why is I don't want anything to happen in life that's going to.

Make my kids have to struggle, so I have an additional $10,000 per child in my emergency fund just for extra protection. When you have kids, you have more responsibilities and more things that you have to protect. So making sure that you have those extra protection things is gonna be key, especially when building generational wealth.

And then as I get closer to retirement, I'm either gonna have one year of cash. To two years of cash, if not more. I want my cash balance to increase over that timeframe. When it comes to my emergency fund. Now there's gonna be people saying, Hey, having that much cash, it's gonna reduce in value because of inflationary.

I know that, and I've talked about that a number of times. You do not wanna hold a ton of cash when you're trying to build a ton of wealth, but as you approach retirement age, I am fine with you holding more cash over that timeframe. Alright, step. Is you're gonna gain access to lines of credit. So the reason why you want to gain access to lines of credit is so you have options if anything happens.

So the first line of defense would be something like a heloc. Just having a helo available is always helpful. Now, using this helo should be only for very certain things. I don't even love using a HeLOCK to buy a rental property, to be honest, but you can do that. But. Using your HeLOCK is just, I like having it there in case everything else fails.

I at least have a keylock there and access to cash that I can access so that if my emergency fund fails, my cash buffer fails, all these other pieces fail. I have access to a HeLOCK that I can at least draw equity from my home line on. After the HeLOCK, you can do something like a securities based credit line.

So M one Finance has something like this where you can draw like 40 to 50% on your actual investments inside of that portfolio. Now, M one Finance has lower rates. You gotta check the rates on these. Same thing with the HeLOCK before you even open these up, but at least have these available to you. You don't have to draw on them at all.

You can just leave them there. Or if they require you draw on 'em, draw on 'em, pay 'em back, that type of thing. Just draw a small amount, pay. But making sure that you have these available is really, really powerful to help protect you. So if the HELOC fails, then you have this, I mean, it's just a wealth protection plan that's going to really help you along those lines that have cash available.

Now, the next one is a required one, so securing term life insurance if you have dependents. Now we can talk about other forms of life insurance. IOLs stay away from, I've said that a number of times in this podcast. But securing term life insurance is a really inexpensive way to make sure your dependents are protected if something happens to you.

So if people depend on your income, maybe it's your spouse, maybe it's your kids, maybe it's a business partner term, life insurance is the way to go. I pay just above 30 bucks a month for my term life insurance. It allows me to have the flexibility where if anything ever happened to me, my family is going.

Okay, so here's how term life insurance works. It is within a specific timeframe. So say for example, you get it when you're 30 years old and then it will term when you're age 60. So you have 30 years of life insurance available to you there. And the idea is you're gonna pay a low amount throughout that timeframe, and then by the time you hit retirement age, you're gonna have enough money there to cover your dependence if they need money because you built wealth over that time.

So what keeps your expenses low? Whereas if you get other types of life insurance, you're paying hundreds of dollars every single month. There's a bunch of other issues there. There's a lot more fees involved. Whereas term life insurance, you're just paying 25, 30, 40, 50 bucks a month depending on how much life insurance that you want.

And then you don't have to worry about it. It terms out. It's not like anything's gonna happen over that timeframe. And you should have your own wealth built so that if anything happens to you by the time you get to retirement age, then the money is already there to protect everyone number. Protect your identity.

So I had my identity stolen. It is not a fun process to go through getting your identity stolen. So one easy way to just prevent this from happening, especially now protecting yourself online, is to make sure you invest in something like identity theft protection. Now, not all of these are going to protect you completely, but at least you have something available.

Where it's actually protecting you, especially as all of these different things happen in life. So if you wanna protect yourself online, there's companies like LifeLock where you can just invest a small amount into identity protection. And then another way to do that is to invest in a service like delete me.

So you can actually use Code PFP for 20% off. Delete me. But what Delete Me does is they go to all these data brokers. If you Google your name for example, what's gonna come up is your name's gonna be all over the place and you want that removed from all these data brokers. So the Delete Me actually goes in and removes it for you.

They save you hundreds and hundreds of. Over the course of your lifetime, if you use them and it's really cheap, it's like a hundred bucks a year. And DeLeon will be able to remove your name, your information off a bunch of websites so that you're not a target when it comes to scammers online or anything of that nature.

Number nine is you gotta have ample insurance available to you. So we talked about life insurance already, but you gotta also look at some of the other options that are available. Care insurance, making sure you have ample healthcare insurance, and considering opening an hsa, which is one of our favorite ways to save on taxes as well, is taking advantage of an hsa.

What's an hsa? It has triple tax advantages, meaning that you contribute money tax free. You can invest the money, and the money can grow tax free, and you can pull the money out tax free for a qualified medical expense. The I r S has a list of qualified medical expenses for the hsa, so make sure you check that out as well.

With that high deductible health plan you have to have when you open an hsa, but also you wanna evaluate the need for disability or long-term care insurance based on your personal circumstances. So this is one where disability is definitely should be a consideration. And honestly, I don't have disability and it's something I am now going back and looking into because I think it is very, very important for a lot of people.

And I'm also looking into it for my wife as well. So I think it's one that you would need at least need to evaluate for your own personal circum. And then long-term care insurance is one of the most complicated forms of insurance, in my opinion. But what that is, is if you need to go into a nursing home when you get older, or if you need to have long-term care insurance kind of helps you through that stuff.

Number 10 is you need to monitor your spending habits. So if you don't routinely monitor your spending habits, you need to start doing it. And it's not just, you can have a healthy financial life, but it's also so you can catch fraud going on in your bank accounts. Just the other day, I found a bunch of purchase.

That were $27 purchases. That happened over the course of six months of some random scam company that had got access through my card, maybe through the gas station, I'm not sure. But they were just doing mini charges, $27 every couple of months. So I finally, I caught it because I tracked my spending all the time, and I saw it the first couple of times and then just quickly looked over it because it was a smaller amount, and that's irresponsible of me.

But then I went back and I saw a bunch more times and I'm like, what is going on here? So I went in there and figured out it was actually a scam operation. Looked up the llc, all those different, So making sure you track your spending is gonna help protect you as well. And then sign up for credit reports and alerts.

So it's really important to have these alerts come to your email and that you're actually monitoring your credit report, because if someone gets access to your credit, like when I had my identity stolen, this is one of the ways I figured it out, was people were trying to open student loans in my name.

When that happened, I got credit alerts and reports that actually told me. That's when I started to invest in identity protection because identity protection's gonna alert you right away, and then you can look into freezing your credit, all those other things. But we have a protection plan on how to protect your finances online, which you need to add to this protection plan if you have not heard that episode yet.

So make sure you check that episode out as well when we go through this. So that's how you put together your wealth protection plan. It needs to be bulletproof. That is how you bulletproof it. You have layers and layers and layers in. Protection plan. I know it is something that is not for everyone in terms of what they wanna talk about all the time, but your wealth protection plan is how you play defense and then building wealth, investing your dollars is how you play offense.

Listen, this is part one of the Ultimate Guide to Generational Wealth. I hope you guys are enjoying this episode. I hope you are learning a ton. Make sure you grab the PDF and download the PDF for this guide for part one, and then for part two, we will have another PDF in there so that you can check that out as.

Because this stuff is imperative to learn. It is imperative to know this stuff because once you know all this, you are gonna be light years ahead of everybody else. And if you wanna build that generational wealth and change your family tree forever, you have the opportunity to change your family's future forever.

It doesn't matter how you grew up. It doesn't matter where you came from. We all know privilege is real. Some people are more privileged than others, but you can change the privilege for your future heirs just by making this decision to build generational wealth. That's why I absolutely love teaching this stuff.

That's why I'm so excited and amped up about telling you about this stuff. So making sure that you do that. I love each and every single one of you. I cannot thank you enough for listening to this. And if you're getting value outta this episode, consider leaving that five star rating and review. Share this episode with a friend as well, because this is the stuff that we need to spread to other people so we can all learn how to build generational wealth together.

You can have colleagues that you can talk about this stuff with, and really that is how you learn. That is how you grow as well. So thank you guys so much for listening to this episode, and we will see you on the next episode, which is part two.

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This podcast has been exactly what I have been looking for. Not only does it solidify some of my current practices but helps me to understand the why and the ins-and-outs to what does work and what doesn’t work! Easy to listen to and Andrew does a great job and putting everything in context that is applicable to everyone.

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Simply Excellent!!!

Excellent content, practical, straight to the point, easy to follow and easy to apply! Andrew takes the confusion, complexity and fear as a result (often the biggest deterrent for most folks) out of investing and overall money matters in general, and provides valuable advice that anyone can follow and put into practice. Exactly what I’ve been looking for for quite some time and so happy that I came across this podcast. Thank you, Andrew!

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Absolutely a must listen for anyone at any age. A+ work.

Wealth Building Magician

Absolutely love listening to this guy! He has taken all of my thoughts and questions I’ve ever had about budgeting, investing, and wealth building and slapped onto this podcast! Can’t thank him enough for what I’ve learned!

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I discovered your podcast a few weeks ago and wanted I am learning SO MUCH! Finance is an area of my life that I’ve always overlooked and this year I am determined to make progress! I am so grateful for this podcast and wish there was something like this 18 years ago! Andrew’s work is life changing and he makes the topic fun!


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